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Descendants of tigers

Updated:2018-01-16 18:05:03   english.yunnan.cn

Regarding themselves descendants of tigers, Yi people in central Yunnan’s Chuxiong has maintained their splendid tiger culture for more than 3,000 years. 

In Yunnan Province, Yi people mainly live in central and south parts of the province. In central Yunnan’s Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, the Yi people think themselves descendants of tigers and celebrate the Tiger Cultural Festival each year. During the festival, they'll play a Chinese musical instrument— "Sheng" which was regarded by some experts as a living fossil of the tiger culture of China's Yi people.

Yunnan is rich in ethnic cultures. Among all the 55 ethnic minority groups in China, 25 can be found in Yunnan. 

Editor: Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Descendants tigers