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Trendy young man adds fashion to traditional opera

Updated:2018-02-02 17:16:38   english.yunnan.cn

Born in the 1990s, Wang Chonglin chooses to take traditional Yunnan opera as his career and strives to promote it in his own fashionable way.

The Yunnan opera, also known as "Flower Lantern", has been already inscribed into the list of national intangible culture heritage. Usually, its performers and lovers are people who are almost over 50 years old. 

However, it attracts more attention from younger generations in recent years. And Wang is one of them. Born in the 1990s, Wang chooses to study the Yunnan opera and strives to promote it in his own way.

At the first sight of Wang Chonglin, it is hard to connect this trendy boy wearing baseball hat and earrings with the old-fashioned Yunnan Opera. But Wang strongly believes that everything is possible, and he chooses "Flower Lantern" as his career and explores it in depth. 

Now as an inheritor of the Yunnan opera, Wang clearly understands the significance of protection and and inheritance, especially when the opera’s audience is steadily shrinking. In order to attract younger audience, Wang makes innovations by integrating popular elements such as modern drama and electronic music into the Yunnan opera.

 (Compiled from Weibo account of Kunming Funsi and China Daily) 

Editor: Wang Shixue

Keywords:   man fashion traditional opera