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Chinese tourists love visiting Mekong countries

Updated:2018-03-06 11:45:27   China · Yunnan

During Chinese New Year holiday, China’s tourists choose to set off from Yunnan to experience the Lancang-Mekong River basin countries as a main destination for border tour and cross-border tour, it becomes more convenient and popular. According to statistics, in the first six days of the Spring Festival holiday, Yunnan Province received 5.1969 million tourists, in which 56,900 tourists had a one-day border tour, with an average travel index of 50.34%.

Luang Prabang situated in northern Laos is a hot tourism destination for Yunnan travellers. (File Photo)

Ren Haoming, a tourist from Kunming, spent the New Year’s Eve with his friends in Thailand, he shared his photos of the sunset on Samui Island in the circle of his Friends and got a lot of praise. “My biggest impression of this trip is that travel from Yunnan to Southeast Asian countries is becoming more and more convenient.” Ren Haoming loves travel, he told the reporter that the number of flights between Yunnan and Southeast Asia are constantly increasing, especially
the Mekong countries. Visa on landing offers more options for visa application, Alipay, WeChat and other payments are becoming more popular, hotel welcome letter, restaurant menu in Chinese…

“Spend Spring Festival abroad can still feel the thick Chinese taste and Yunnan flavor,” he said. According to the Kunming Customs, from 15th to 19th of February, Hekou Customs supervised 33,642 people entered and existed the border, an increase of 14.46%; Mengla Customs supervised 25,606 people, inspected and released 5,747 vehicles crossed the border; Ruili Customs supervised 4,254 visitors had a one-day tour at the China-Myanmar border.

In Yunnan, totally 1547 aircrafts landed and took off, carried 187,200 passengers. 136 trains arrived in Kunming, carried 263.5 thousand passengers, with a traffic rate of 78.52% and 84.57% respectively.

Editor: Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Chinese tourist Mekong