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Pottery exhibits show Yunnan’s diverse culture

Updated:2019-08-08 18:06:28   yunnan.cn

The Creative Yunnan Culture Industry Expo 2019 opens in Kunming on August 8 and will last to August 12. This year, there are seven themed pavilions which exhibit Yunnan flower, Yunnan pottery, anime, electronic sports and so on.

Pottery exhibition is a highlight of the expo. Among the exhibits, well-known pottery from Jianshui and Huaning are displayed, showing the diverse culture of Yunnan. In addition, 20 world-class pottery masters from China, Japan, Korea, and Australia exhibited their artworks.

As one of the four famous pottery producing areas in China, Yunnan has abundant pottery resources. And thanks to the rich ethnic culture, the people from different ethnic groups have developed their own unique ceramic skills.

Reported by Xia Fanghai,trans-edited by Wang Huan

Keywords:   Pottery Yunnan culture