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Brand-new life of the Derung people in NW Yunnan
 Updated:2019-04-15 09:04:30    Yunnan Gateway


Picture taken on April 13 shows Li Xinrong (2nd R), a Dulongjiang villager, watches his son drive into the courtyard.

Picture taken on April 13 shows fresh vegetables grown outside the mountains are sold at a market in Dulongjiang Township. 

The Derung, one of the smallest ethnic groups in China, number around 7,000. Most of the Derung people live in the deep gorges of the Dulongjiang River in northwest Yunnan’s Gongshan County.

The area was listed as one of the least developed regions in the country, and locals lived in rather primitive conditions until the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. They have now shaken off long-standing hardship thanks to the nation's poverty reduction campaign.

On April 10, President Xi Jinping called on the Derung people to continue to work for a better life, saying that “poverty eradication is only the first step, and better days are yet to come."