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Baishuitai, a frozen“waterfall”in Shangri-La
 Updated:2019-01-18 17:08:13    Yunnan Gateway

Baishuitai, or White Water Terrace, another famous tourist attraction, lies in Baidi Village, 100 kilometers from Shangri-La, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. From afar, Diqing Tibetan s in Baidi Village, 100 kilometers from Shangri-La, Diqing Tibet an Autonomous Prefecture. From afar, Diqing Tibet Autonomous Prefecture. Baishuitai appears to be a waterfall of many layers. On closer examination, you find it is a limestone terrace.

Through decomposition caused by sunlight, calcium bicarbonate in water breaks down into calcium carbonate. Through deposition, solidification and crystallization over 200,000 to 300,000 years, the minerals in the water have accumulated to form a marble-white terrace-like carbide physiognomy.

Baishuitai is cradle of the Naxi people and their Dongba religion. This ethnic minority group lived in the region as early as 20,000 years ago, leaving behind cliff paintings which display the formation of Dongba hieroglyphs. Legend recounts that the founder of the Dongba religion was attracted by the beauty of Baishuitai, and settled here to preach. Also on the mountain is a cave where the second-generation religious leader meditated.

Source: Global Times and Image.baidu.com