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In April, come to Jiangpo for peach-blossom and archery
 Updated:2019-04-04 18:12:22    Yunnan Gateway

If you regard Diqing prefecture in northwest Yunnan as a fairyland, then the Jiangpo village is its hidden heart near the Lancang River. 

Falling under the jurisdiction of the Foshan Township, the village is home to seven villager groups and breathtaking sights.

Every spring, Jiangpo becomes a sea of peach blossoms. At elevation 2,800-3,400 meters, the blossoms look like pink clouds.

Seeing the continuous hue of the pink blossoms and the green vegetations in the field, you will be surely enchanted. 

Here are some more pictures showcasing the spring beauty of the riverside village:

If you are impressed by the sight, the news piece below may be an exciting one.

On April 12-14, the Third Peach-Blossom Festival and Archery Competition, organized by Foshan Township Party Committee and Government in Deqin, will be held in Jiangpo at the foot of Meili Snow Mountain.

During the festival, local Tibetans will dance happily along with the Xuanzi musical performance and archery competition will be held near the Shuoda Lake, where the peach blossoms and the Meili Snow Mountain are reflected.

In Deqin County, the Xuanzi musical instrument is a reminder of Jiangpo Village for the Xuanzi dancing is indispensable in local villagers’ pastime.

The Xuanzi performance is a male-female musical dialogue in antiphonal style that has various tunes and topics in Tibetan daily life. The lyrics in two lines match well in sound and sense.

Now, let’s come to other highlights during the festival: 

 Archery competition

The masculine competition reminds visitors of the legendary King Gesar, a magical hero in Tibetan people's mind. And he was born in Dege County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwestern China's Sichuan Province.

 Shuoda Lake

Another pleasure in the village is brought by the Shuoda Lake, where watching the reflections of the golden and silver peaks of the Meili snow mountain is a visual feast at morn. The lake is small, but it reflects all the 13 Meili peaks.

Rural guesthouse

In the evening, you can watched a live Tibetan performance at a native guesthouses, and folks greeted visitors with singing, dancing and a white Hada. The buttered tea and flavor dishes were offered.

Following the performance, some may choose to stay in the open air with a tent, while others  may watch the stars and gentle moon in the sky.

Travelling tips:

Transport: Reach Deqin county seat from Shangri-La City, and a 51-kilometers drive along the 214 National highway will take to the Hongxing bridge. Turn right at the road fork, and you will reach Jiangpo Village after another 13-kilometer drive. The narrow bumpy road section has 13 sharp turns, a careful driver is needed.

Clothing: In April, the temperature in the day is around 15 degrees Celsius in the village, but it is still cold in the morning/evening. A coat or down jacket is suggested.

Source: Yunnan Daily App; trans-editing by Wang Shixue