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Yunnan businesses reopen amid epidemic

Updated:2020-02-17 16:58:12   Yunnan Gateway

People working for businesses in Yunnan’s Kunming, Yuxi, Baoshan, Chuxiong and Honghe have returned to work recently, following local encouraging measures.

With business activities hampered by the ongoing epidemic caused by the novel COVID-19, local authorities have rolled out a slew of measures to encourage companies to resume work and production. 

445 big companies of Kunming City resumed operation as of February 13, representing 46.5 percent of the sizeable ones in the provincial capital. Among them, 14 belong to leading firms that make up half of the city's total industrial output.

In central Yunnan’s Yuxi City, 58 leading enterprises resumed production as of February 9, and another 120 have applied for the resumption of production. Many of the companies are producers of disinfectants, medicines, and other daily necessities.

As of February 14, a total of 114 businesses in southwest Yunnan’s Baoshan City applied for resumption of production, of which 87 enterprises have reopened following fast approves.

In central Yunnan’s Chu Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, 64 of the 336 sizeable companies have resumed production, with another 100 ready for operation. 7 of the reopened have an annual output of over one billion yuan. 

South Yunnan’s Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture has seen 196 companies resume production as of February 14, involving major producers of coal, power, oil, transport and others. 

Source: Yunnan Daily; trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Yunnan businesses epidemic