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Yunnan starts annual people's congress

Updated:2020-05-11 17:28:03   Yunnan Gateway

The third session of the 13th Yunnan Provincial People's Congress, the province's legislature, opened on May 10 in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province.

A total of 605 deputies from across Yunnan attended the opening meeting. Chen Hao, executive chairman of the presidium of the session, presided over the meeting.

Governor Ruan Chengfa delivered the government work report on behalf of Yunnan Provincial People's Government. In his report, Ruan Chengfa reviewed the work done in the past and laid out the goals for 2020.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Yunnan’s economic output has amounted to 2.32 trillion yuan (around 327.6 billion US dollars), ranking 18th among the Chinese provinces, said Ruan. 

Last year, Yunnan achieved steady economic growth with high quality, focusing on poverty relief, eco-protection and digital economy.

In face of the unexpected Covid-19 outbreak, Yunnan put first people’s life in epidemic prevention, while formulating measures to resume production and minimize the impact on local economy.

In 2020, Yunnan GDP will grow at a rate above the national average, with the fixed asset investment growing by over 10 percent. The urban unemployment rate will be kept at around 5.5 percent, and the CPI is expected to rise by 3.5 percent.

The session also heard the work reports of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan People's Congress, the Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court, and the People's Procuratorate of Yunnan Province.

Source: Yunnan Daily and Yunnan Net; trans-editing by Wang Shixue and Li Yushuangyue 

Keywords:   Yunnan people's congress