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Average life expectancy in Yunnan reaches 75.26 in 2020

Updated:2021-05-26 17:37:45   

The average life expectancy in Yunnan province has risen from 72.76 years to 75.26 years during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) period, said a May 25 new release for the CPC’s coming centenary.

The key health indicators of maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate both fell from 2015 (23.63 per 100,000 and 8.7 per 1,000), dropping to 12.42 per 100,000 and 4.73 per 1,000 respectively in 2020.

The past five years saw substantial improvements in Yunnan facilities in health care, with the number of medical institutions increasing by 2,439 to reach 26,626. Over 90 percent of the children were vaccinated as planned, and another 10 hospitals featuring traditional Chinese medicine were built up in county towns.

While caring for locals, the Yunnan doctors also carried out medical cooperation programs in the neighboring Asean nations of Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, offering free surgeries to cataract patients and children with congenital heart diseases in these countries.

Reporting by Chen Xinlong (Yunnan Daily); Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   life expectancy Yunnan