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Sniffer dog performs great in his work

Updated:2021-10-21 16:30:04   

Xuanzhan, a young sniffer dog, has made great performances in mine clearance. Working at a Wenshan border police station in southeast Yunnan, he has detected three land mines and one rocket shell in five days.

Whenever he finds explosives or something abnormal, the sniffer dog will sound a warning, kneeling down and turning to the trainer. Then the police officers will clear the mines with care.

In Chinese, Xuanzhan(玄战) means brave and good at fighting. For historical reasons, land mines still exist in certain areas near the China-Vietnam border, hindering local living and production activities.     
     Reported by Li Chaoying (People’s Daily); Trans-editing by Yang Xuan 

Keywords:   Sniffer performs great work