News Focus
Xi orders fortifying public health protection network
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Xi stressed reforming disease prevention and control system; boosting the epidemic monitoring, early warning and emergency response capacity; perfecting the treatment system for major epidemics; and improving public health emergency laws and regulations.
News Focus
Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that China opposes acts that disrupt international cooperation against the COVID-19 pandemic and undermine the world's and especially developing countries' anti-epidemic efforts.
News Focus
Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that China stands ready to work with Myanmar and other countries to continue to support the World Health Organization (WHO) playing a leading role in the global battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Xi's WHA speech wins acclaim across world
News Focus
The speech by President Xi Jinping at the 73rd session of the World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the WHO, has won international applause as world leaders called for solidarity in fighting COVID-19.
Xi Focus: Xi replies to letter from Pakistani students studying in Beijing
News Focus
Chinese President Xi Jinping extended welcome to excellent youth from all countries in the world to study in China in his Sunday reply to a letter from all Pakistani students studying in the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB).
Xi Focus: Xi chairs leadership meeting to discuss draft government work report
News Focus
The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday held a meeting to discuss the draft government work report, which will be submitted by the State Council to the third annual session of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation and approval.
Xi Focus: China announces concrete measures to boost global fight against COVID-19 as Xi addresses WHA session
News Focus
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday announced concrete measures to boost global fight against COVID-19 including providing international aid and making the country's COVID-19 vaccine a global public good when available.
Xi Focus: Xi chairs leadership meeting on regular epidemic response, industrial and supply chains
News Focus
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Thursday chaired a leadership meeting on the effective implementation of regular epidemic prevention and control measures.
Xi Focus: China reaffirms commitment to green development
News Focus
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairma...
Xi stresses achieving moderately prosperous society in all respects
News Focus
Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed efforts to complete building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and ride on the momentum to write a new chapter in socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.
Xi inspects north China's Shanxi Province
News Focus
On Monday afternoon, Xi visited an organic daylily farm in Yunzhou District of Datong City, and a village in the city's Xiping Township to learn about poverty alleviation efforts.
Xi chairs leadership meeting on improving systems for regular epidemic control
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Xi said that the group had spared no effort to curb the spread of the virus and worked hard to build a strong first line of defense, making important contributions to winning the people's war against the epidemic.
News Focus
The meeting stressed efforts to safeguard social fairness and justice and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the medical security system.
Xi: Build 'great space power'
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President Xi Jinping extended greetings to elder scientists who participated in the country's first satellite program 50 years ago and said he expected space industry workers to learn from their predecessors' spirit and strive to build the nation into a stronger space power.
Xi stresses reaching anti-poverty goals despite COVID-19 impact
News Focus
Noting that people's livelihood constitutes the basis of people's happiness and social harmony, Xi stressed adhering to the people-centered development philosophy and doing more practical work.
Xi's tour focuses on poverty, ecology
News Focus
The number of impoverished people had been brought down from 98.99 million in 2012 to 5.51 million by the end of last year.
Xi inspects northwest China's Shaanxi Province
News Focus
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Monday inspected northwest China's Shaanxi Province.
Xi chairs leadership meeting on regular epidemic control, economic work
News Focus
The epidemic prevention and control work in Beijing should be further strengthened, while targeted measures should be taken across the country to guard against rebounds in cases.
News Focus
The Chinese side is confident that under Putin's strong leadership, Russia will certainly stem the spread of COVID-19 at an early date, safeguard people's safety and health, and restore economic and social development.
Chinese, Indonesian leaders exchange congratulations on 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties
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Indonesia and China possess longtime historic and cultural ties, while close contacts between the leaders of the two countries and between the people of various sectors have forged a solid friendship.
Xi chairs leadership meeting on regular epidemic control, work resumption
News Focus
As the pandemic continues its global spread, the world economy faces mounting downside risk, Xi said, adding that unstable and uncertain factors are notably increasing.
Xi and his unremitting call for global health cooperation
News Focus
As countries worldwide mark the 2020 World Health Day amid a raging COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks on global public health have become particularly meaningful.
Xi stresses coordinating epidemic control, economic work, achieving development goals
News Focus
More efforts should be made to accelerate and further expand work and production resumption in an orderly manner on the premise of strictly implementing COVID-19 control measures, Xi said.
Xi inspects wetland conservation, urban management in Hangzhou
News Focus
Hangzhou's City Brain project was launched in 2016 to help the city make plans in areas including public security, transport and healthcare with the use of big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, among other cutting-edge technologies.
China to give more support for businesses hit by COVID-19: Xi
News Focus
A series of policies have been introduced and will be improved in tandem with the changes of the situation, said Xi, adding more targeted measures will be rolled out to help SMEs restart production and further develop.
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