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New cooperative models help boost villagers’ income

Updated:2018-04-02 16:44:44   english.yunnan.cn

By adopting the cooperative models of the "company plus village collective economy" and the "party members plus farmers”, the Morchella growing has helped increase villagers’ income in southwest Yunnan’s Nuozhang Village where each household achieved an income increase of RMB 14,000 on average last year.

“I took the lead last year to grow 0.3 hectares of morchella. I did not expect that the income would reach more than 60,000 yuan. It is so impressive. ” Zhao Yonghua, a Morchella grower in Nuozhang Village, said with a smile. Located in Cangyuan County, southwest Yunnan’s Lincang City, Nuozhang Village has a poor population of 89 people. 

In 2017, Nuozhang Village adjusted its agricultural industry structure by adopting the new cooperative models of the "company plus village collective economy" and the "party members plus farmers”, in an effort to help increase villagers’ personal income and the collective economic income in the village. 

And in the same year, the villagers began to grow Morchella which has brought increasing incomes to them. 41 households in the village grew more than 5.3 hectares of Morchella, with an output of 3.51 tons of the fresh mushrooms. The income reached RMB 960,000, of which RMB 576,000 belongs to the villagers. Each household in the village achieved an income increase of RMB 14,000 on average.

"Three poor families and six people joined the Morchella growing last year. Now all of them are out of poverty," Zha Si, the village Party secretary, said happily.

Because of low cost and quick revenue , the enthusiasm for growing Morchella is very high in Nuozhang Village. “We tasted the sweetness. This year, we want to intensify our efforts to encourage all the poverty-stricken households to take part in the Morchella growing,” Zha Si said. 

Editor: Wang Shixue

Keywords:   new models villagers income