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Coffee growing brings fortune to farmers in Yunnan
 Updated:2018-12-26 19:00:29    Yunnan Gateway

It is an enjoyable experience to have a walk in the coffee planting bases in Mangbing Township, southwest Yunnan’s Lincang City. The ruby-like coffee beans in green leaves not only are scenic, but also bring fortune for local farmers.

"The harvest is coming in these days. At the current price, we can get more than 13,000 yuan this year. Besides, I can work part-time in the coffee factory to earn more money," said Wang Guangwen, a local coffee grower.

In recent years, the government of Mangbing Township has introduced leading coffee enterprises in order to help locals increase incomes and accelerate industrial restructure. Coffee cultivation has been vigorously promoted in Mangbing. Meanwhile, the government has carried out relevant trainings and given full play to the demonstration role of large growers.