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Mobile payment, a new daily habit of Yunnan folks

Updated:2018-01-05 18:40:44   english.yunnan.cn

Leave your wallet at home? No need to worry. Your mobile phone will solve all the problems.  

According to the latest figures released by Alipay on January 2, Yunnan Province ranks among China’s top 11 in terms of mobile payments, with 90 percent of payments conducted through smart phones. This number was 85.42 percent in 2016.

Among Yunnan’s 16 cities and prefectures, Lincang ranks No.1 with a mobile payment proportion of 93 percent. Diqing, Nujiang and Zhaotong are equal second, each with a 92 percent mobile payment rate. 

Nowadays, more and more Yunnan people choose to use digital wallets when they dine out, go shopping or pay their fees. Mobile payment has become their new daily habit.  

Keywords:   Mobile payment Yunnan