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Take a soul-stirring trip to Shangri-La in autumn

Updated:2018-09-05 18:23:17   Yunnan Gateway

When autumn comes, it’s time for you to have a soul-stirring trip to Shangri-La in northwest Yunnan’s Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

In the Tibetan language, the word “Shangri-La” means the "sun and moon in heart”. It is a place people worldwide have been yearning for because of the English novel “Lost Horizon”.

In Shangri-La, you can greet the Yunnan Snob-nosed Monkeys in the woods, make a wish at the Ganden Stumtseling Monastery near the snow-capped mountain peaks, and have a nice dream on the grassland beside the Napa Lake.

Now, follow us to visit some places in Shangri-La to learn more about it.

Potatso National Park
In the Tibetan language, the word "Potatso" means the lake where all living creatures can be delivered  from torment.

The park landscape features alpine meadows, lakeside wetlands, pastures and mountains. All look fascinating.

Ganden Stumtseling Monastery
The Ganden Stumtseling Monastery, known as the “Little Potala Palace”, is the largest Tibetan Buddhist temple in Yunnan.

Here, you will surely be enchanted by the quiet air and ethereal beauty of the monastery.

Ancient Town of Dukezong

The ancient town of Dukezong in Shangri-La used to be a major stop on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road. The town features slab-stone streets, wooden houses and the world's largest prayer wheel.

Editor: John Li

Keywords:   Shangri-La autumn