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Long banquet with Hani tradition held in south Yunnan

Updated:2019-12-03 16:37:36   Yunnan Gateway

The 2019 long-street banquet featuring traditional Hani customs was held in south Yunnan’s Luchun County on November 30.

The Hani banquet was recognized as the longest worldwide by the Shanghai-based Guinness headquarters in 2004, and Luchun County is home to the mysterious primitive religion of the Hani ethnic group. The Hani people across China have adopted the Luchun sounds as their standard pronunciation. 

After 14 years, the annual event has grown to be a signature of the unique Hani customs: songs, snacks, rituals and costumes. In 2018, the banquet reached a maximum of 4,000 dinner-tables that added up to a length of 4,800 meters.

"It is a unique feast indeed," said an overseas guest who came to Luchu for the banquet. With a five-star red flag on his face, the tourist was busy posing with locals for pictures. 

Following the long-street feast, Hani folks staged an ethnic gala, with parties and exhibitions held near bonfires.

Source: Yunnan Net; trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Long banquet Hani Yunnan
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