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Xi stresses advancing reform, opening up with greater resolve

Updated:2020-10-16 09:56:33   Xinhua

Chinese President Xi Jinping has demanded greater resolve in advancing the country's reform and opening up at a higher starting point toward further success.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during an inspection tour in south China's Guangdong Province this week.

Xi inspected work related to coordinating regular epidemic control with economic and social development, the deepening of reform and opening up, as well as the planning of economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

Xi visited local cultural and historical landmarks, including an ancient bridge, an old gate tower and a street lined with memorial archways, in the city of Chaozhou on Monday.

Hailing the city's culture as an important part of the Chinese culture, Xi called Chaozhou's intangible cultural heritage represented by the region's embroidery, porcelain, wood carving, sculpture, opera, tea and cuisine precious treasures of the Chinese culture.

He stressed better protection of the city's heritage, noting that proactive efforts should be made to train inheritors of the intangible cultural legacy.

During his trip, Xi also visited local shops and talked with salespersons and customers, inquiring about the resumption of business.

Xi urged strict implementation of regular COVID-19 containment measures, calling for joint efforts to vanquish the epidemic.

Xi later visited Chaozhou Three-Circle (Group) Co., Ltd., a leading manufacturer of electronic components and advanced materials, to learn about the company's indigenous innovation and its research on key technologies.

"Now we are undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and we need to take the road of self-reliance on a higher level," said Xi.

During a visit to Shantou on Tuesday, Xi urged the city to promote reform and opening up at a higher starting point and keep abreast with others in the development of special economic zones in the new era.

Xi also visited a museum of correspondence from overseas Chinese, where he said the Shantou Special Economic Zone (SEZ) should guide and encourage overseas Chinese to play bigger roles in supporting and participating in China's modernization, promoting Chinese culture, facilitating peace and unity of the country and deepening exchanges and cooperation between China and the world.

Talking with residents and tourists at an old downtown area in Shantou, Xi said on the 40th anniversary of the SEZs, his visit to Shantou SEZ is a statement to both China and the international community that the CPC will lead the Chinese people in unswervingly following the path of reform and opening up, working hard to advance socialist modernization, and striving to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Editor: John Li

Keywords:   Xi reform resolve