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Neighboring friends send regards to Yunnnan, China

Updated:2020-02-11 17:37:53   China · Yunnan

After the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak in China, people all over the world have expressed their concern and given support.

"Protect yourself! Take care!" Kishor Shrestha, chairman of the Nepal-China Media Forum, kept telling his Chinese friends via WeChat since the outbreak of the epidemic. He has been paying close attention to the updates. When he learned that Yunnan had taken comprehensive epidemic prevention and control measures, he specially launched a consulting hotline for foreigners in Yunnan. He expressed his best wishes for China and believed that China would eventually win the battle against the epidemic. Nepal and China have maintained frequent academic and people-to-people exchanges as well as close cooperation in trade, business and tourism. The Nepalese people would stand firmly with the Chinese people in tackling the current difficulties, he said.

Following the outbreak of the epidemic, China notified Myanmar of relevant information in a timely manner. Dr. Khin Khin Gyi, deputy director of Communicable Disease Control Office, Department of Public Health, Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports, spoke highly of China's great efforts in combating the NCP. She said that the Chinese government has shared information with other countries in an open, transparent and responsible way, which has been highly recognized by the WHO. "I hope the best treatment for the disease can be worked out as soon as possible," she said.

During the Chinese New Year holiday, an Indian living in Yunnan set up a WeChat group that he named Jiayou Wuhan. "Please resend the payment code." "This Indian company has 3M masks. I can contact them." "Everyone must take care." "China will defeat the virus soon." "We pray for Wuhan." The group chat went on and on. Soon, many other Indian people living in China joined. They tried all they could to secure the materials for the epidemic prevention and control. Everyone believed that through joint efforts, China would definitely defeat the novel coronavirus.

In the eyes of Teav Sarakmony, editor-in-chief of Rasmei Kampuchea, the Cambodian people and the Chinese people are as dear to each other as members of one family. "I pay close attention to the daily epidemic updates. I felt relieved when I learned that some patients have been cured in China," he said, adding that the Cambodian public has highly recognized the successful cases of medical cooperation between Cambodia and China. He is confident of China's medical technology and even more its doctors. "China will soon win the battle against the epidemic. We will work with China to overcome the difficulties!" he said.

By Yunnnan Daily  reporters

Keywords:   friends regards Yunnnan