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Yunnan establishes business "red and black list" system

Updated:2020-01-15 18:12:10   China · Yunnan

To improve its business environment, Yunnan province has established a "red- and black list" system, to assess the business environment in its cities and prefectures. If a city or prefecture is on the black list three times in a row, its principal leaders will be held accountable.

Starting from the fourth quarter of 2019, all cities and prefectures in the province will be assessed in terms of business environment on a quarterly basis. The three strongest performers will be placed on the "red list" and the three weakest performers on the "black list".

The assessment will cover ten indicators. These include the easiness of starting a business, obtaining a building permit and registering property, access to electricity, water and gas (only applicable for cities and prefectures with pipeline gas supply), tax returns, cross-border trade (only applicable for cities and prefectures with ports of exit or entry), access to business credit and government services. These indicators are subject to adjustment based on the actual conditions.


Keywords:   Yunnan "red and black list"