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Considerate measures for Hubei tourists stuck in Yunnan

Updated:2020-02-03 16:30:57   Yunnangateway

"Our tour destination in the Spring Festival is Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, but when we arrived in Pu'er City, the city next to Xishuangbanna, we were informed that tourists from Hubei Province, the center of the novel coronavirus outbreak, have to stay in some designated hotels," said Ms. Liu, a tourist from Hubei Province.

She and her family felt panic at first, however, when they checked in the appointed hotel, everything is different from what they thought.

"Government officials measure our body temperature twice a day and we don't need to worry about food and accommodation at all, and leaders of Pu'er City also visited us and brought us masks and Chinese herbal medicine," She said, adding that they received good care in the epidemic gloom.

This is only one of the cases where Yunnan Province takes good care of Hubei tourists.


 On Jan. 27, Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued a letter for Hubei tourist. In the letter, the department listed measures to solve problems Hubei tourists are facing, including inquiry hotline number and appointed hotel information of 16 prefectures and cities in Yunnan. 

Moreover, tourists can know about information such as the epidemic data, names of appointed hotel, traffic control measures and so on on the Go-Yunnan app and WeChat public account of the Yunnan at your Finger Tips.

"No matter where these tourists come from, they are all distinguished guests of Yunnan. Controling the new coronavirus is now prioritized in China, so let's hand in hand with each other," said Zeng Yan, head of Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. 

Source: Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; trans-editing by Li Hengqiang 

Keywords:   Hubei