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Detailed suggestions to keep virus away from individuals

Updated:2020-02-06 16:44:28   Yunnangateway

1.Maintain good personal hygiene

Please maintain good personal hygiene on a daily basis, and cover your mouth and nose with tissues or your elbows before coughing and sneezing. Please also clean your hands well with water and soap regularly. Always remember to put on masks before going out, and masks should only be dropped in designated localities. In addition, keeping the apartment clean and the air open are equally significant. Please also avoid getting in touch with fowls or consuming any products in relation to wild animals. Raw and cold food substances should also be avoided, while more hot water is always encouraged to be drunk. 

2. Reduce or avoid outdoor activities

Please avoid crowded areas, and cancel parties, group dinners and other group activities.

3. Check health condition regularly

Please measure body temperature on a regular basis. When such symptoms as fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, or general weakness occur, please wear a surgical mask and seek medical care right away at designated hospitals.

4. Be responsible and cooperative

In case of recent visits to affected areas or having contact with people from these areas, please report to the local CDC or designated departments as early as possible. Then heed personal health more, stay at home for ample rest and reduce outdoor activities. Please support and cooperate with the government, community or medical staff for health information inquiries and collection.

Keywords:   personal hygiene