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Yunnan to build up nighttime economic areas

Updated:2020-05-09 16:51:31   Yunnan Gateway

Kunming will build up 20 nighttime economic areas, according to a recent document by Yunnan provincial government.

5 pilot areas for night economy will be set on Nanping street and others, while another 15 commercial sites will be upgraded, said the guideline on promoting the nighttime economy.

The likely sites for upgrade include Henglong square, Wanda square, Dayue city, Toongde square, Xin’nanya, Park 1903 and Dounan flower market.

A number of nighttime economic areas with local ethnic features will be built up in 3 years, noted the guideline. And the areas are expected to form an economic pattern with a reasonable layout, complete functioning, diversified business activities and sound management. 

Apart from the 20 nighttime economic areas in Kunming, other prefectures and cities will each build 3 to 5 similar areas to meet local demands. 

The guideline listed the themes of old towns, ethnic customs, cultural fusion and fashion, and it specified five landmarks for nighttime economy in Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Xishuangbanna and Qujing. 

Aslo, the 15 Kunming areas to be upgraded will highlight nighttime service activities, popularizing the “online plus offline” business model and fusing business into cultural tourism. In this way, consumption will be spurred, with consumers’ night life enriched.

Source: Yunnan Culture and Tourism Times; trans-editing by Li Yushuangyue and Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Yunnan nighttime economy