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Yunnan launches media tour on health assisting poverty

Updated:2020-09-14 17:40:43   Yunnan Gateway

A national media tour on health care assisting poverty relief was launched in northwest Yunnan’s Shangri-La city on September 13. 

During the tour, reporters with CCTV.com, Yunnan Daily, Yunnan.cn, and Yunnan Gateway will visit the poverty-stricken areas in Diqing, Lijiang, Dali and Kunming, looking into the improvements in local medical service brought about by the “China Health Assist Poverty Project”. 

Since the health-care project was carried out, medical services in Yunnan’s impoverished areas have seen all-round upgrades, increasing the sense of well-being and happiness among the villagers.

Sponsored by the Health Commission of Yunnan Province, the media event is organized by Yunnan.cn, and it will last till September 19.

Reporting by Yao Chengcheng (Yunnan Daily); trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Yunnan media health poverty