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Pomarine skua first captured in west Yunnan

Updated:2020-12-09 12:19:32   Yunnan Gateway

The pomarine skua, a large seabird, was captured by workers at the Jianhu nature reserve in west Yunnan’s Dali prefecture on December 7. 

Listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the bird was spotted for the first time in Yunnan province. 

In China, the bird mostly lives in the coastal areas, so ornithologists believe the found one must have gone astray and got lost during migration. Staff members said they will step up monitoring to ensure the bird a safe winter at the Jianhu reserve.

As a typical plateau wetland area, the nature reserve is a major stop and habitat for around 30,000 migrant birds.

Source: CCTV and Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Pomarine skua west Yunnan