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Museum closed, you can still have a peek of Yunnan cultural relics online

Updated:2020-02-03 16:46:52   museum


Yunnan Provincial Museum, top museum in SW China's Yunnan province, was closed on Jan. 24 amid the fight against the novel coronavirus. However, the museum has offered 3 on-line methods for the public to view its cultural relics.

1. 40 state-level cultural relics are displayed on the Go-Yunnan app in the form of 3D animation. Viewers can admire these cultural relics in 720 degrees and detailed introduction is also provided.

2. Pictures and introductions of 100 cultural relics have been prepared on the official website of Yunnan Provincial Museum for visitors.

3. Although all museums across the nation were closed, citizens can experience smart guide function for free. By downloading the Smart Guide app, users can access different museums online, and Yunnan Provincial Museum is included. 

By Xiao Yiqun; photos by Xing Yi; trans-editing by Li Hengqiang 
