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Trade of wild mushrooms booms in central Yunnan

Updated:2020-07-20 12:17:19   Yunnan Gateway

Online pictures show the trade of edible wild mushrooms is booming at the Nanhua market in central Yunnan’s Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture these days. The boom is partly attributed to the recent abundant rainfalls that resulted in fast growth of edible fungi in the wild. 

Home to many varieties of fungi, Nanhua County has a favorable climate and ecological environment, and its annual output of wild edible fungi resources are more than 10,000 tons. Nanhua tops most Chinese counties in variety, quantity and quality of the edible wild mushrooms.

More than 8,000 tons of wild fungi are sold out of Nanhua each year, winning locals 600 million yuan. The wild mushrooms have growth into a means to shake off poverty in the county.

Source: Yunnan Net; trans-editing by Wang Shixue 

Keywords:   wild mushrooms Yunnan Nanhua
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