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Online expo held in Kunming, highlighting smart tourism

Updated:2020-12-15 17:31:13   Yunnan Gateway

The Everlasting China-South Asia Online Expo, or online expo, was launched in Kunming, Yunnan province on December 12. Lasting for seven days, the online expo was attended by over 10,000 businesses from 100 plus countries and regions. 

During the expo, the 20th China-Vietnam (Hekou) Border Trade Fair, the First RECP (Yunnan) Expert Dialogue Meeting and other seven events were concurrently held as side lines, with around 500 live streams going on. In-Kunming consuls general promoted their national specialties through interviews with live broadcast. E-commerce sales persons and celebrities opened live streams for sales and international business talks online. 

The online expo also featured e-signings based on blockchain technology, and it was the first time that blockchain e-signings were applied to exhibition services. Live streams via the online expo platform are equipped with various screens, diverse bandwidths and global coverage. The platform provides interpretation service between Chinese and English during online business talks, with virtual reality and digital twin readily available. 

The Culture and Tourism Online Pavilion housed over 80 companies in question, with 460 exhibits displayed at 300 plus online stands. The exhibits included potteries, folk crafts, embroideries, wood carvings, agro-products, and tea. Ceramics and traditional Chinese paintings by Yunnan master hands were highlighted. 

Go Yunnan, the province’s top app for smart tours and all-for-one tourism, rolled out another 10 tourist routes, with eight cultural products chosen for promotion. “Thanks to the international online expo, Go Yunnan has made the province better known in South Asia and Southeast Asia, allowing would-be visitors to better understand Yunnan,” said the person in charge of the travel app. 

Source: Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   South Asia Online Expo Kunming
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