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Stranded Hubei tourists warmly received in Yunnan

Updated:2020-02-11 17:03:47   Yunnan Daily

"This is the first time I've come to Pu'er. I like the warm weather here, but the hearts of Pu'er people are warmer. My family and I owe them a big thank-you," said Liu, a female tourist from Wuhan of Hubei Province currently staying at Xifeng Grand Hotel in Pu'er, Yunnan.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, as a major tourist destination in China, Yunnan has launched an emergency plan to protect stranded tourists. All the 16 prefectures (prefectural-level cities) in the province have designated hotels to receive such tourists. At these hotels of which the addresses and telephone numbers are published, the stranded tourists can receive accommodation, catering, and medical services. By the end of the Spring Festival holiday, Yunnan has cumulatively made proper arrangements for nearly 20,000 stranded tourists.

"As soon as the holiday began, my husband and I took our children and drove southwest towards Xishuangbanna. We made some pauses along the way for sightseeing. When we got to Pu'er, we stayed for one night at a hotel that we had booked. The next day when we heard that we must stay at a designated hotel, we felt a little disturbed. However, when we came to Xifeng Grand Hotel, we were warmly received and our worries were gone. Now the hotel staff members take our temperature twice a day," Liu said.

"Here everything is fine. Please rest assured, my family and friends," a female tourist surnamed Luo from Wuhan posted in her WeChat moments with a short video of the hotel room. The location in the caption shows that she was staying at Yunchen Hotel in Linxiang District of Lincang, Yunnan. "I'm very grateful for Kunming. This city treats us like spring," said Li, another female tourist from Hubei stranded in Kunming due to the epidemic.

In this battle without smoke, the hearts of Yunnan people resonate with those of stranded Hubei tourists. 

Reporting by Wang Huan and Han Chengyuan

Keywords:   Hubei tourists Yunnan