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Kunming reopens more public facilities

Updated:2020-03-20 17:16:27   Yunnan Gateway

Following its recent restoration of eat-in service at restaurants, Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan province, reopened some other public places like parks, museums, scenic areas and gyms.

Yunnan Military Academy resumed service on March 17, receiving 1985 visitors in the following three days. On March 19, ice creams and tourist products became available at the military museum. 

The Daguan(grand view) Park and the Golden Temple scenic area in Kunming reopened to the public in an orderly manner on March 19, drawing in quite a few tourists.

Imposing a daily admission limit of 10,000 visitors, the Daguan Park was visited by 3,109 persons that day.

As for sports centers, the Wuhua Stadium reopened its pingpong, basketball and other facilities on March 18, but they were frequented only by a few sports enthusiasts. The swimming pool is not open yet. 

Kunming Sports Center and Yunnan Hongta Sports Center are gearing up for reopening soon. 

The Yunnan Wildlife Park and the Kunming Jiaozi Mountain scenic area will be reopened on March 21 to visitors from Yunnan and other low-risk areas in China. All visitors will have to wear masks, have the temperature taken, and scan a QR code before entering. 

Cinemas in Kunming have listed some comedies, science fiction, dramas and action movies for the coming reopening. The Wanda cinema recommended its customers some movies: American Dreams in China, Wolf Totem, Wolf Warrior 2, Wandering Earth, and Capernaüm (Chaos).

Source: Yunnan Net, Spring City Evening News and Kunming Daily; trans-editing by Wang Shixue 

Keywords:   Kunming reopen public facilities