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Big plans for tourism in Yunnan province

Updated:2021-01-28 11:35:13   China Daily


The Three Pagodas of Dali in Yunnan province. (Photo by Deng Bin/for chinadaily.com.cn)

Last year, Yunnan received 529 million visitors and generated 647.7 billion yuan ($100 billion) from tourism.

Sun Jiong, deputy director of the Yunnan Department of Culture and Tourism, said in a recent interview that with years of effort, a new tourism ecology and a healthy and orderly tourism market environment have basically taken shape in Yunnan, and the whole province's tourism service quality has been comprehensively improved.

The province received 815 million visitors in 2019, Sun said.

In recent years, Yunnan has promoted a comprehensive transformation and upgrade of its tourism industry by focusing on intelligent improvement online and high-quality development offline.

Keywords:   Yunnan tourism