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Big plans for tourism in Yunnan province

Updated:2021-01-28 11:35:13   China Daily


The Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang, Yunnan province. (Photo by Deng Bin/for chinadaily.com.cn)

Tourists can enjoy their trips to Yunnan with the guidance of an app that can be used on smartphones. Old Town of Lijiang, a UNESCO world heritage site, is a pioneer in the province's smart tourism construction.

"The construction of the intelligent management system has strengthened the data analysis level and greatly improved the supervision efficiency of the scenic spots," said Zhang Yebing, an official with the protection bureau of Lijiang. The province boasts rich tourism resources, including five UNESCO world heritage sites. It is also home to over 20 ethnic groups. Tourism has helped improve the living standards of local people.

Keywords:   Yunnan tourism