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Yunnan's population reaches 47.209 million

Updated:2021-05-11 19:01:25   

Yunnan province has registered a population of 47,209,277, according to the data from the seventh China national population census released on May 11.

The number of male in Yunnan accounts for 51.73 percent of the whole population, while the female makes up 48.27 percent. The male to female ratio stands at 105.07 to 100 in the province.

Yunnan residents aged 60 and above consist of 14.91 percent of the population. In 2020, the Yunnan people above the age of 15 received a education of 8.82 years on average.

The Chinese mainland registered a population of 1.41 billion, with an annual growth rate of 0.53 percent in the past decade, said the National Bureau of Statistics.

Source: Yunnan Release, China Daily and others; Online photos; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Yunnan population 47.209 million