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Int’l media tour kicks off in Kunming

Updated:2021-05-18 18:44:44   

Reporters with the Pakistani, Russian, Lao and Vietnamese media outlets in China, as well as Chinese international communicators with the Hainan International Communication Center and the Mongolian Solongo Magazine, kicked off a media tour in Kunming, Yunnan province on May 17.

Lasting till May 21, the weeklong event is organized by Yunnan Gateway, a multi-lingual web portal run by Yunnan Daily Press Group. And the international journalists will visit central Yunnan’s cities of Kunming and Yuxi, looking into new progresses and eco-beauty in Yunnan.

In provincial capital of Kunming, the international journalists will stop at the China (Yunnan) pilot Free Trade Zone, the Yunnan International Company of China Southern Power Grid, the Dounan International Flower Market and the Kunming Yunnei Power Company.

In Yuxi, they will focus on rural revitalization at the stops of the Dayingjie town, the Wanyao village, the Mafang village, and the Guanglong Tourist Town.

During the tour, the reporters will also attend a themed activity called Exploring Life Flower, where scientists will present the bio-diversity beauty in Yunnan province.

Yunnan is a province of bio-diversity, and the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), will be held in Kunming in the coming October.

Reporting by Gateway reporters; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   international media tour Kunming