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Gifts from Yunnan villagers reach UN Security Council

Updated:2021-05-19 17:55:29   

The gifts of coffee beans, ancient tea and Zhuang embroidery presented by Yunnan villagers were recently sent to the Security Council of the United Nations.

A token of Chinese people’s best wishes for world peace and happy life, the gifts were produced by villagers in southwest Yunnan’s Pu’er City and southeast Yunnan’s Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture.

“These seemingly ordinary gifts are from remote county towns in Yunnan, where extraordinary efforts have been made over the years to eliminate the deep-rooted poverty in rural areas.” Zhang Jun, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations, said on May 3.

“Now, all local villagers have been raised out of poverty and these specialties gained popularity in both domestic and international markets,” Zhang added.

Knowing that their products have reached the UN Security Council, the Yunnan villagers are in a state of excitement these days.

“My tea planting area has grown from 0.6 Chinese acre to 20 CN acres, with an output of 2.5 tons of tea and a sales of 20,000 yuan annually,” said Bao Hongguang, a tea farmer of the Nuobo village, Lancang county in Pu’er. Bao hoped he could share his happiness at the UN headquarters.

“Thanks to coffee planting, our village has bettered off a lot over the past ten plus years, be it in public facility or in villagers’ confidence,” Ye Ping, a coffee producer from Menglian County in Pu’er.

Zhang Fengxian, a lady embroiderer from Wenshan’s Guangnan County said she was so excited at the news that the Zhuang ethnic embroidery has presence at the world stage of the UN. Zhang picked up embroidery at the age of 7, and she set up an embroidery cooperative years ago, in a bid to help more villagers out of poverty.

Source: Xinhua; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Gifts Yunnan villagers UN