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Media tour sees int’l reporters focus on new energy cooperation

Updated:2021-05-19 18:16:40   

Reporters with the Pakistani, Russian, Lao and Vietnamese media outlets in China visited the Yunnan International Company of China Southern Power Grid on May 17, the first day of an international media tour in Yunnan. They focused on clean energy and its win-win cooperation.

“Does your company have some plan to cooperate with Pakistan in power supply?“What do you think of the Vietnam-China cooperative potential in new energy?”“How will you get more countries involved in the connectivity of power supply?” The reporters raised quite a few questions.

In response to these questions, the Yunnan International Company briefed on their connectivity of power supply and the trade of electricity, stressing on their efforts in reducing carbon emissions, new-energy utilization and interconnectivity of regional power supply.

The international journalists were impressed by the company’s briefing. Following the interview, the international reporters sharecd thier views on internation cooperation in power supply. 

“I hope more Laotians will get involved into power supply in the future, pushing forward the Laos-China exchanges and cooperation," said PHOMMOUNY PHETSAMONE, a correspondent with the Pathet Lao News Agency.

DO VI SA, a journalist with the Vietnamese Báo Nhân Dân, said he has confidence in the potential and prospect of Vietnam-China cooperation in power supply. "I hope energy cooperation will contribute to bilateral ties and benefit the people." 

ASGHAR MUHAMMAD, a reporter with the Associated Press of Pakistan, commented that China Southern Power Grid is experienced in promoting regional cooperation in power supply. He hoped the practices could get more energy companies involved into the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, better implementing the ideas of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

The Yunnan International Company is said to be a platform for China Southern Power Grid to carry out international cooperation in power supply. Thanks to Yunnan’s favorable location and resource advantage, as well as the expertise of China Southern Power Grid, the Yunnan company cooperates with the neighboring countries of Vietnam, Lao, Myanmar Thailand and Cambodia in power-grid interconnectivity and cross-border electricity trade.

By Gateway reporters 

Keywords:   reporters energy cooperation