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COVID-19 vaccination going on in Kunming

Updated:2021-05-25 16:08:29   

Kunming city in central Yunnan has been pushing forward Covid-19 vaccination among the public since March this year. “Batches of vaccines reached our community one after another and the community management informed us of the vaccination,” said Ms Dong on April 10, who was on vaccination at the Liujia Health Center, Guandu District. “Then we applied an e-health card on WeChat and came to be vaccinated at the designated period.”

As of mid-April, over 200 Covid-19 vaccination stations have been set up. At the Guandu Gym station, ventilators were equipped for the 1000-square-meter facility, where varied functional zones were clearly labeled: the waiting area, the pre-checking area, the registration area, the vaccination area, the observing area, the cold-chain area, and more.

Thanking to the zoning, residents followed the procedures in an orderly manner at the Guandu Gym station, where 5,000 doses were vaccinated daily.

According to statistics on April 8, a total of 769,537 doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been vaccinated. “We applied for the vaccination out of our own needs, and this shows we are responsible for the health of ourselves and others,” said residents at the vaccination stations.

Source: The Publicity Department of Kunming Municipal Party Committee; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   COVID vaccination Kunming