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Overseas friends: Mother Zhang is incredible

Updated:2021-06-29 18:55:35   

The "July 1 medal" awarding ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People at 10 am, June 29. Chinese president Xi Jinping presented medals to the 29 recipients in grand music.

The July 1 Medal, the highest honor of the Party, was created this year to commend outstanding CPC members, workers on Party affairs and grassroots Party organizations nationwide.

Zhang Guimei, the Party branch secretary and the founder of Huaping Girls' High School in Lijiang, Yunnan province walked onto the stage!

It was the same old dress that she had worn for so many years and the same tired and resolute eyes on her face. Such an ordinary-looking teacher moved countless domestic and overseas netizens.

At the age of 64, she founded the first free girls' high school in China and helped nearly 2,000 girls in Yunnan mountainous regions to realize their dreams of going to college, creating an educational miracle! However, she has suffered from a variety of diseases.

Her unreserved and unrequited efforts have changed the lives of many families and even generations. And Zhang is thus seen as a "mother" by many of her stendents.   

"A girl can influence three generations. An educated and responsible mother will never let her children drop out of school. And the children won’t become orphans,” said Zhang Guimei.

Zhang Guimei 's story has also sparked hot online chats overseas.

On the Facebook platforms of Yunnan Daily Press Group's English "Amazing Yunnan", Thai "Mekong", Cambodian "Khmer", Lao "Champa" and Myanmese "Mingarla", many foreign netizens left messages to praise Zhang Guimei, who has dedicated herself to the education in China:

Kadder said, “I admire her self-sacrifice, hardworking and persistent spirits. It is the nature of the dragon (Chinese) to go all out”.

Somkiat:“A country whose people know how to sacrifice for the society will become a country that can overcome any difficulties.”

Galiangwut:“Salute to a self-sacrificing teacher who is so dedicated to her work”

Chongrit:“Zhang sets a good example for her students and inspires them to become a person like her. Ms.Zhang is admirable". 

Baoning said, “I have been to the rural areas in Yunnan, which was really impoverished. It was a tough job for headmaster Zhang Guimei to insist that girls should attend high school.”

Emma:“It looks as if headmaster Zhang Guimei has bad health conditions. How hard it is to take care of students from morning to night!”

Deng Zhiwen:“The stories of headmaster Zhang Guimei are so touching. It is amazing and admirable that she helped girls in poor families get out of the mountain and entered universities."

Thank you, Zhang Guimei! We love you!

By Gateway reporters 

Keywords:   Overseas friends Zhang