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Yunnan’s GDP reaches 2.4 trillion yuan

Updated:2021-06-30 16:48:05   

Yunnan’s provincial GDP reached 2.452 trillion yuan in 2020, according to a recent news release for the coming CPC centenary.

Maintaining a high growth rate, Yunnan increased its GDP by 220 percent over the past years (2012-2020), with its economic ranking changed from the 24th place to 18th among its Chinese peers.

Yunnan’s expressway mileage has tripled to over 9,000 kilometers and railway mileage increased by 80 percent in the same period. Yunnan opened 666 air routes to 169 cities, including most of the capital cities in south and southeast Asian countries.

Of the provincial total capacity of 100 million kilowatt-hours, hydro power, wind power and photovoltaic power accounted for 85 percent, 46 percentages higher than the national average. Clean energy has emerged as Yunnan’s first pillar industry.

Annual growth rate of green-food industries maintained above 16 percent, and Yunnan specialties were sold to 110 countries and regions around the world. In its effort to be a world-class destination for healthy living, Yunnan is focusing on smart tourism and rural tourism with a holistic design.

Source: Xinhua Net and Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue 

Keywords:   Yunnan GDP 2.4 trillion CPC