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COP15: Lesser Yellownape appears in Longling

Updated:2021-09-18 18:56:28   

A bird with yellow crown was spotted in Xiaoheishan Nature Reserve of Longling county, west Yunnan’s Baoshan City on Sept 14. Appraised by Zeng Wei, a technician from Kunming Survey and Design Institute of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, it was identified as Lesser Yellownape of the woodpecker family.

Lesser yellownape is very alert, either looking for dry tree trunks or constantly pecking holes with its beak, and it flew away with the slightest noise. I followed it for a long time. I was lucky enough to photograph it.” said Yang Jiqiang, a bird watcher in Longling County.

It is reported that the woodpecker is a national Ⅱ-level protected animal and is a near-threatened species in China. It has been included in the "Chinese Vertebrate Red List". There are up to 300 known bird species in Longling County, accounting for 31.74% of 945 bird species in Yunnan Province.

Report by Li Jianguo (Yunnan Daily app); Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi

Keywords:   COP 15 Lesser Yellownape Longling