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Shenzhou-13 astronauts enter Tianzhou-3 cargo craft

Updated:2021-10-18 15:44:34   Xinhua

Screen image captured at Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 16, 2021 shows three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang (C), Wang Yaping (R) and Ye Guangfu, waving after entering the space station core module Tianhe. (Xinhua/Tian Dingyu)

The Shenzhou-13 crew has entered the Tianzhou-3 cargo craft to transfer the cargo, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Oct. 17.

After successfully stationing in China's space station core module Tianhe, the Shenzhou-13 crew opened the hatch of the Tianzhou-3 cargo craft and entered it at 9:50 a.m. (Beijing Time), the CMSA said.

The crew will also open the hatch of the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft. They will carry out cargo transfer and other related work as planned.

The Shenzhou-13 spaceship was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gobi Desert Saturday.

After Shenzhou-13 successfully completed a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the core module Tianhe, the crew entered the core module. They will stay in orbit for six months, setting a new record for China's crewed space mission duration.

Keywords:   Shenzhou Tianzhou cargo craft