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Cotton harvest going on in Xinjiang  

Updated:2021-10-25 16:18:37   

Farmers in Shawan, a major cotton-growing area of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, have started their busy season. 

The cotton fields are laden with trucks shuttling on the roads. In the harvest season, the cotton was sold to the purchase plant in an orderly manner. 

This year, Shawan planted 117,747 hectares of cotton, and the purchase price is higher than that in the same period last year. Xinjiang is the largest cotton-growing area in China. 

According to National Bureau of Statistics, the region's cotton output hit 5.16 million tonnes in 2020, accounting for 87.3 percent of the total in the country.


Reporting by Hu Huhu (Xinhua); Trans-editing by Yang Xuan  
