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Wintering cranes arrive in northeast Yunnan

Updated:2021-11-10 08:49:52   

The Dashanbao nature reserve saw the first batch of wintering black-necked cranes arriving on November 5. Located in Northeast Yunnan’s Zhaotong City, Dashanbao is 3,000 meters above sea level.Usually, the black-necked cranes are from Sichuan province and each winter, around 1,400 of them fly 1,000 kilometers to Dashanbao and stay there for 170 days.

According to the management bureau of the reserve, more black-necked cranes are expected to arrive in the next few days. 

Reporting by Xiong Tingsong, Wang Yuanjian(Xinhua); Trans-editing by Yang Xuan  

Keywords:   Wintering cranes arrive Yunnan