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New bamboo species found in Yiliang county

Updated:2021-12-01 18:09:11   

A new bamboo species, Luohanfangzhu or Chimonobambusa was found in Yiliang county, northeast Yunnan’s Zhaotong city, according to local forestry and grassland bureau.

This new species was first noticed in 2010 and was temporarily named "Luohanfangzhu" by Chinese botanists. Artificial planting of the new species has been carried out by locals ever since.
The bamboo has strong disease resistance and breeding ability. The short growth period of the shoots makes the bamboo twice as productive as its ordinary peers. Besides, it can be harvested twice in a year.
Zhaotong city is applying for the naming of this new species with large disk-like nodes. In the future, measures will be taken to protect it, and a gene bank of related species will be established.Source: CCTV News app; Trans-editing by Yang Xuan 

Keywords:   bamboo species found Yiliang county