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Int’l freight via China-Laos railway exceeds RMB 100 mil

Updated:2021-12-17 18:49:11   

With 31 freight trains running between the Chinese cities of Kunming, Shenzhen and Guangzhou and the Lao capital of Vientiane, 17,100 tons of goods valuing 10,700 million yuan have been transported via the newly-opened China-Laos Railway from December 3 to 15.

The imported goods include natural rubber, fertilizers and others, while export goods were mainly vegetables, fruits, steel products, machines and gadgets. “At first, only four freight trains were operated every day, but now freight trains from Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Jinan also joined us,” said Tian Wenhao, a freight engineer with China Railway Kunming Group. 

Tian added the number of international freight trains on China-Laos Railway could exceed eight daily by the end of this year.

As of December 16, the Chinese section of the railway had operated more than 600 EMU trains, serving 300,000 plus passengers.

The number of passenger trains on the Chinese section has increased from 35 to 51 daily. 

Reporting by Hu Xiaorong, Liu Ziyu (Yunnan Daily); Trans- editing by Yang Xuan  

Keywords:   freight China-Laos railway exceeds