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Green tomb-sweeping prevails across Yunnan

Updated:2021-04-06 11:11:53   

During the just concluded Qingming holiday (April 3 to 5), cemeteries and other funeral services in Yunnan province offered the mourners flowers, ribbons and mailboxes, instead of traditional joss paper and incense sticks.

Online memorial activities were joined by 6.84 million in the province, forming a new trend with a year-on-year increase of 825 percent. Other eco-friendly ways to honor the dead this year included tree planting and family meetings.

Over the past three days, 2,145 funeral services across Yunnan received 2.17 million visitors, with 66,700 staff members offering the mourners memorial necessities and Covid-19 precautions.

Reporting by Lang Jingjing (Yunnan Net); Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Green tomb-sweeping Yunnan