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May 20 sees scenes of love, romance across Yunnan

Updated:2021-05-21 17:04:05   

May 20, or more specifically 520, sounds like "I love you" (wo ai ni) in the Chinese language. As a result, many see it as an ideal date to declare their love or for couples to register their marriage.

In central Yunnan’s city of Kunming, roses and other flowers sold well on this special Chinese Valentine’s Day, and the marriage registration offices of the Xishan and Chenggong districts issued 191 marriage certificates for newlyweds.

South Yunnan’s Mengzi city provided one-stop physical check-ups for the would-be couples at a local hospital for maternity and childcare.

18 pairs of highway constructors from the neighboring Guizhou province chose to get married in the Dali old town in west Yunnan.

Diqing prefecture had 80 plus singles meet in a hotel opposite to the beautiful Meili snow mountain, with drinks and desserts provided.

Source: Yunnan Net and Spring City Evening News; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   May 20 love romance Yunnan