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Doggy has hallucination after eating poisonous mushrooms

Updated:2021-07-13 18:18:24   

What does it feel like if people and animals get poisoned after eating the toxic wild mushrooms? These days, many stories about getting poisoned after eating wild mushrooms in Yunnan were a hot topic in Weibo’s search.

On July 10, a lady in Kunming, central Yunnan’s capital city said her dog was biting something and licking the floor but there was nothing in its mouth. She suspected that her dog got poisoned and showed hallucination. Because it accidentally ate a piece of raw mushroom “Jianshouqing” (a kind of bolete with indigo chromogenic reaction) when she was cutting the mushrooms and one piece fell on the floor.

Luckily, the dog recovered as normal the next day. Actually, there were many stories about mushroom poisoning, but for animals, it was the first time to report. Although Yunnan people have rich experience in eating wild mushrooms, every year during the rainy season from June to September, many people are poisoned or even killed by eating toxic wild mushrooms.

One woman had illusion of being surrounded by mice around her. When she was treated in hospital, she kept catching and chasing mice on the bed. Other people said they were in Lilliput and saw many little men everywhere.

A warning was issued by the Provincial Health Commission on July 7, in order to prevent and reduce the occurrence of toxic wild mushroom poisoning by mistake and to protect the health and life safety of the people.

Source: Zhangshang Yunnan and online comments; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi

Keywords:   doggy hallucination mushrooms accident