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Suzhou young man creates a miniature Lilliput

Updated:2021-07-15 11:31:50   

A young man called Zhang Chong from Suzhou City of east China’s Jiangsu province made more than 50,000 miniature character models. He put the models on the special-made sand table, making it a Miniature Wonderland.

These characters are from popular Chinese novels, movies, cartoons and historic stories. The reason why he wanted to create them is that there were seldom Chinese characters in the world. He wanted to make miniature models with Chinese characteristics.

The models are only 2 cm tall, about the size of a one-yuan coin. After printing the plain mold by the 3D printer, he painted it with a brush thinner than eyeliner, with only 6 mm wide.

When he was painting these “Lilliputians”, he had to hold his breath for each stroke. "Steady hands and sharp eyes are the key." said Zhang.

In the future, he said, he would like to blend elements from his hometown into his creations such as Suzhou Gardens and pavilions.

Source from Lichee News and CCTV News; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi

Keywords:   man miniature Lilliput