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Hi, Kunming: AI bings "smart" Haigeng Dam

Updated:2021-08-26 18:15:46   

Facial recognition for paper picking, intelligent public toilets, cleaning robots, automatic sprinkler irrigation, garbage sorting system....AI technologies have made Haigeng Dam in Kunming "smart" after an intelligent upgrade project was completed recently.   

The dam, one of the well-known tourist attractions to enjoy the beauty of Daichi Lake and Western Hills, is a 2.4 km-long public promenade along the eastern shore of the lake. 

In recent years, the local government has been making efforts to build Kunming into a smart city, combining high technology with urban management.

Reporting and photos by Xiong Ming (Yunnan Net); Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi 

Keywords:   Hi Kunming Smart services Haigeng